Monday, April 13, 2020

Stop Motion Video Ideas

Need some inspiration for a stop motion video? Here are some clever ideas to get you started.

Look around you. Any object that can be moved can be used to make a stop motion. The below example of an everyday object stop motion shows how the animator simply reached out to a nearby object and created an engaging animation. The set did not need to be created as the object was already sitting in its natural setting ready to go. You can use toys or figurines also which can bring such stop motions to life. Here is a great example of using everyday objects:

Have Easter candy???

All you need is a whiteboard and some whiteboard colored pens. You can create some very basic stop motion with this method. The method is open to all ages which make it a great idea for stop motion beginners. Just make sure you secure both your camera and your whiteboard.

This is also a wonderful form of stop motion.  You can either draw shapes or cut images from magazines to create an animated story.  You will need a clean well lit table top and a camera suspended overhead. Make sure the camera is pointed directly downward and secured. You will need to make some space for you to work under the camera so ensure it is suspended high enough off the table top. Watch those shadows also by standing clear of the camera when you take your snapshots. The below is a wonderful example of this approach made by a relative beginner to stop motion.

Probably the most popular method of stop motion among beginners.  Grab your favorite Lego characters and build a set and props using your Lego bricks. You can find easy tutorials on YouTube on how to create stop motion animation using Legos, also known as "brickwork."


  1. Where do I find the Artsonia QR code for my child to post?

  2. Sorry, where can I find the Qr Code. Not "my child," Sorry!
